May 17-19 (Sat-Mon) at the National Ballet School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The 2014 Ontario Regional Contact Jam
Jam régional de danse contact improvisation de l'Ontario 2014



Home > Welcome

Hi folks,

Here's the first email that went out to the ORCJ community this year. If you didn't get it, let us know. Okay, here we go, the opening email of the 2014 Ontario Regional Contact Jam:

Welcome everyone,

Please gather in a circle for the opening email of the 2014 Ontario Regional Contact Jam.

On our Facebook page, please say your name, how many Ontario jams you've been to, and something that you love about dancing together.

As you gaze at our website, let your mind sink into an intention you have for the jam.

Turn to the person nearest you, wherever you may be, and slowly whisper, "Ontario...ario...ario...".

Ask them to slowly whisper back, "Jam...jam...jam...".

We're at the National Ballet School this year. Last year was in a church (om shanti), and next year might be in a farmhouse (who knows?), but this year...this year we're in some of the nicest dance studios this side of the big dipper.

Check out this video (weddings and theatres not included).

Can you see yourself dancing in that sunlit space? And as for the other dance studio, well it's so large that it didn't fit in the video.

Tell your friends, tell your loved ones: Free massages will be available on-site from students of Trillium massage school, as part of our healing arts space.

And the food, well, the food...Can I have another "om shanti"?

My mouth is watering for this jam. Get your registration in before your body, mind and soul evaporate into a state of contact improv bliss.

And you can help make the jam even better. If you live in Toronto, house another dancer or 2 for the weekend. If you're good at logistics, enjoy coordinating people, or simply like pitching in, join the organizing team. You know what they say about helping with food? Many hands make light work.

Now I invite you to look down at your feet. Wiggle your toes. Feel them connect with the earth. Take an inhale, enjoy it, and release.

It's action time: Ontario Regional Contact Jam 2014, May 17-19. For you Canadian folk, that's May long weekend. For you Americans, Finns and Aussies, take the Monday off and join us for a good Canadian long weekend.

Hold on, someone's whispering in my ear...yes, that's a great idea...come early for Toronto's weekly Friday night ecstatic dance, followed by the weekly late night contact jam. Details are on our website. The Friday night gigs are at our traditional home, Dovercourt House.

One last favour: Share our Facebook event page with your friends. Besides actually telling people in person, with words or with your body, sharing the event page is the best way to get the word out about ORCJ 2014.

Let's rock this, my friends. Ontario comes alive for the annual jam, and it would be delightful to see you there.


Ben and the 2014 organizing team