Updated: 2025-02-05 01:39 EST

CN Tower with Dancers

Ontario Regional Contact Improv Dance Jam

Canadian Flag   Easter Weekend 2025: April 18 – April 20
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Toronto hosts the annual
Ontario Regional Contact Improv Dance Jam 2025!

Bienvenue au jam annuel de l'Ontario!

Reunión Regional de Contact Improvisación de Ontario

Incontro Regionale di Contact Improvisation Ontario

A Contact Improvisation dance jam!
We're back live and in person for the first time since ORCJ 2019.
Beginners and newcomers and all levels of dance experience welcome.
Dozens and dozens and dozens of your bestest dancing friends from all over the world!
We believe that this was, pre-pandemic, the largest contact improvisation jam in all of North America, with an attendance of over 200 people in 2016 through 2019.
Children who dance and are aware of other dancers are welcome on the dance floors with us. (This is not a space for children to run around or play with toys.) We ask that children on the dance floors be closely supervised at all times, which generally means be within reach of their caregiver.
How (including Housing in Toronto)
  • Come wearing loose-fitting, non-slippery, yoga-style clothes and be prepared to dance jewelry- and scent-free in bare feet. More information on CI dress and hygiene.
  • Want to learn Contact Improvisation? Come to our Contact Improv Beginner class.
  • For all languages – we'll do our best to provide translation.
  • For housing/billeting requests in Toronto, send an email request to ORCJhousing@contactimprov.ca and we will try to match you with a local resident.
  • Jam starts 9am Friday, April 18 2025.
  • Jam ends 5pm Sunday, April 20 2025.
  • Doors open 9 am each day.
  • We wrap up at midnight on Friday and Saturday, 5 pm on Sunday.
  • Full Schedule Not Yet Available
    • Friday: 9am to 12 midnight April 18
    • Saturday: 9am to 12 midnight April 19
    • Sunday: 9am to 5pm April 20
400 Jarvis St. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (in the same building as the Canadian National Ballet School).

Full Three Day Jam Fees

Register early (e.g. before February 28) and get a discounted $150 full three-day weekend registration price with lunches included! Price rises $10 every month until April 2025.

  • $150 during February 2025
    Early Bird price includes an on-premises vegan lunch every day!
  • $160 during March 2025
    Middle Bird price includes an on-premises vegan lunch every day!
  • $170 during April 2025
    • Late Bird registrations paid before 11pm Thursday April 10 include an on-premises vegan lunch every day!
    • Hungry Late Bird registrations paid after 11pm Thursday April 10 are too late to order food; no lunch for you, but you still get three full days of dancing.
Drop-In and Partial Fees
  • Drop-in for any full day for $120 (no lunch, but you get a full day of dancing)
  • Drop-in any morning or afternoon or evening for $40 (no lunch, but you get to dance)
Online Registration is OPEN!
Online Registration for 2025 is OPEN! There is NO registration form to fill out. Dancers in Canada can register and pay simply by sending an Interac (email) transfer of $150 (up to February 28) to the ORCJ email at ontjam@contactimprov.ca. Dancers who can't pay by Interac (e.g. outside Canada), or who have any other complications, whether financial or logistical, can register by sending an email to the same address: ORCJ email and we will arrange other payment options. Price starts at $150 in February and rises $10 every month until April 2025.
Contact a Human at ORCJ

2025 Details

Three days of Contact Improvisation on the lovely fourth floor at 400 Jarvis St. in Toronto. (This is the same building as the Canadian National Ballet School.) Multiple beautiful studios with grand pianos in every room. Especially welcoming to new people, non dancers, people of all sizes, ages, shapes, mental and physical abilities. The venue is completely wheelchair accessible. LGBTQ welcoming.

If you were dancing here during Easter weekend for ORCJ 2019, you know what to expect. Same Easter weekend; same venue.

Dress and Hygiene Guidelines for dancing CI

Ian! and Eva – photo by John Barrett

Come ready to move in contact with and close proximity to other people:

Call for community assistants and volunteers

This is your volunteer-run, community-run dance jam. Please help us make it happen. Contact: ontjam@contactimprov.ca

Help with Billeting/Housing in Toronto
Can you offer billeting/housing/floor space for our out-of-town dancers? Billets often bring their own sleeping bags and pillows (unless they arrive by air); the jam feeds them lunches; all you need to provide is a floor or sofa. Please contact us at ORCJhousing@contactimprov.ca if your living space has a floor for a CI dancer or two or three.
Help your Community CI Jam

We're organizing the 2025 Ontario Regional Contact Jam, April 18 – April 20, 2025, in Toronto.

We invite all interested and committed community contactors to join in the creation of another awesome contact dance experience.

We're looking for help with all kinds of sub-projects: flyer design, advertising and promotion, billeting, set-up and clean-up, and all kinds of stuff we haven't thought of and you have.

We'd like to invite members of the contact improv community throughout Ontario and neighbourhood to help us pull it all together. If you've got an idea of how you can contribute, please let us know. Contact one of us, and we'll get you hooked in with the group. EMail a Human: ontjam@contactimprov.ca

ORCJ at 400 Jarvis St.

Contact Improvisation

What is Contact Improv?

Contact Improv Tanya